
10 Strategies To Quickly Do Years of Catch Up Bookkeeping

As a business owner, you know that keeping your financial records in order is crucial for your company’s success. But let’s face it, bookkeeping isn’t always at the top of your to-do list. Maybe you have months of catch up bookkeeping to do, or even years. Now, as you look at the mountain of receipts and bank statements piling up, you might be feeling overwhelmed. The good news is that it’s never too late to get your books in order. With the right strategies and a bit of dedication, you can successfully tackle years of catch up bookkeeping. We’ll take you through the whole process step by step and give you useful tips and strategies to help you get caught up.

catch up bookkeeping

1. The Consequences Of Neglected Bookkeeping

Putting off your bookkeeping can have a number of negative effects on the success and stability of your business, including:

  • Inaccurate Financial Records: Without proper bookkeeping, you don’t have a clear picture of your business’s financial health.
  • Missed Tax Deadlines: Falling behind on bookkeeping often means rushing to prepare your taxes at the last minute resulting in missed deductions, and potential penalties from the IRS.
  • Cash Flow Issues: When you’re not tracking your income and expenses regularly, you might find yourself short on cash when you need it most.
  • Legal Consequences: Neglecting your bookkeeping could lead to legal issues, especially if you’re audited and can’t provide accurate financial records.
  • Missed Growth Opportunities: Without up-to-date financial information, you might miss out on opportunities to invest in your business or secure funding from investors or lenders.

2. Assessing The Current State Of Your Bookkeeping

Honestly assess the current state of your bookkeeping. This will help you determine the extent of the task at hand and choose the most effective catch-up strategy. 

  1. Start by gathering all your financial documents. This includes:
    – Bank statements
    – Credit card statements
    – Receipts for expenses
    – Invoices sent to customers
    – Payroll records
    – Tax returns (if you’ve filed any)
  2. Identify gaps and inconsistencies. Review your financial records to identify any gaps or inconsistencies. Note missing documents and discrepancies that need to be addressed.
  3. Determine the scope of work. Estimate how many months or years of bookkeeping you need to catch up on. This will help you prioritize tasks and set realistic goals.

3. Getting Organized

In order to tackle years of catch up bookkeeping successfully, organization is important. Setting up a  system that will help you stay organized during the budgeting process should be done before you start.

Tips for Getting Organized

  • Create a Filing System: Set up a filing system for your financial documents. Use folders or digital tools to categorize documents by type and date.
  • Categorize Expenses: Create categories for different types of expenses, such as office supplies, travel, and utilities. This will make it easier to track and reconcile expenses.
  • Separate Personal and Business Expenses: If you’ve been mixing personal and business expenses, now is the time to separate them. Go through your statements and clearly identify which expenses belong to your business.
  • Use a Checklist: Create a checklist of all the bookkeeping tasks you need to complete. This will help you stay focused and make sure you don’t miss any important steps.

4. Prioritize And Set Realistic Goals

Breaking down years of catch up bookkeeping into smaller, more manageable tasks can make it less overwhelming. Here’s how to prioritize and set realistic goals:

  1. Start with the Most Recent Year: It’s easier to remember recent transactions, and you’re more likely to have all the necessary documents for the current year.
  2. Focus on High-Priority Items: Some bookkeeping tasks are more critical than others. Prioritize:
    • Reconciling bank and credit card statements
    • Recording all income
    • Tracking major expenses
    • Organizing payroll records (if you have employees)
  3. Set Weekly or Monthly Goals: Instead of trying to catch up on everything at once, set smaller, achievable goals. For example, “I’ll reconcile three months of bank statements this week.”
  4. Create a Timeline: Based on your assessment and goals, create a realistic timeline for catching up. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can dedicate to this task each week.
  5. Celebrate Small Wins: As you complete each task or reach a milestone, take a moment to acknowledge your progress. This can help maintain your motivation.

5. Use Digital Tools

In 2024, there’s no shortage of digital tools designed to make bookkeeping easier and more efficient. Using these tools can significantly speed up your catch-up process and help you maintain good bookkeeping habits going forward.

  • Cloud-based accounting software: These user-friendly platforms offer features like expense tracking, invoicing, and automated reports. They can streamline the entire bookkeeping process and save you time. Some popular options include QuickBooks Online, Xero, and FreshBooks.
  • Receipt scanning apps: As mentioned earlier, these apps can quickly scan and categorize your receipts into your chosen bookkeeping software, saving you the hassle of manual data entry.
  • Expense tracking apps: These apps allow you to track your business expenses on the go, making it easier to categorize and record them later.
catch up bookkeeping

6. Consider Outsourcing

If the task of catching up on years of bookkeeping feels like too much, outsourcing to a professional bookkeeping service or hiring a part-time bookkeeper may be a good option. Outsourcing can help you save time and make sure that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date. Here are some benefits of outsourcing your bookkeeping:

  • Expertise and Efficiency: Bookkeepers handle complex financial tasks quickly and accurately.
  • Time Savings: Free up time for business operations and customer growth.
  • Peace of Mind: Allows focus on other priorities.

Cost Considerations When Outsourcing

Outsourcing bookkeeping comes with a cost,  but it can be an investment that pays off in the long run. Here are some factors to consider when looking at the cost:

  • Business complexity: Higher outsourcing costs due to complex business structure and financial transactions.
  • Bookkeeping service experience: Experienced bookkeepers charge higher rates.
  • Project scope: Time and work required for bookkeeping affect overall cost.

Finding The Right Bookkeeping Service

To outsource bookkeeping, find a reputable service specializing in your business, seek recommendations from friends or business owners, read online reviews, and schedule consultations to discuss experience, pricing, and approach.

7. Dedicate Time And Stick To A Schedule

Whether you’re tackling the bookkeeping yourself or working with a professional, it’s important to dedicate regular time to the task and stick to a schedule. Here are some tips:

  1. Set Aside Specific Time: Block out time in your calendar specifically for bookkeeping tasks. This could be a few hours each week or a full day each month, depending on your needs.
  2. Choose a Consistent Time: Try to schedule your bookkeeping sessions at the same time each week or month. This helps create a routine.
  3. Minimize Distractions: Find a quiet space where you can focus without interruptions. Consider turning off your phone notifications during this time.
  4. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks: If you have a lot to catch up on, break it down into smaller tasks. For example, you can focus on organizing receipts one day and reconciling bank statements the next.
  5. Use a Timer: The Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute focused sessions with short breaks in between) can be effective for maintaining concentration during bookkeeping sessions.

8. Tackling Tax Returns And Audits

Catch up bookkeeping often means catching up on your tax returns as well. Don’t panic! Here’s how you can manage the process:

  • Gather all your tax documents: This includes income statements, expense records, and receipts.
  • Consider consulting a tax professional: An experienced tax professional at MyBooks Accounting can help you file your back taxes accurately and make sure you take advantage of all available deductions.
  • Be prepared for potential audits: If you suspect an audit may be coming, having organized and up-to-date records will make the process much smoother.

9. Review And Reconcile

It’s important to go over and balance all of your financial records by comparing them to your bank statements and finding any differences. Check your bank records and financial software often to make sure that the transactions are correct. Review income statements, balance sheets, and other financial reports generated by bookkeeping software for valuable insights into your business’s financial health.

10. Prevention Is Key

To maintain long-term financial stability, it’s crucial to establish and maintain regular bookkeeping habits. Some tips:

  • Establish a consistent routine for bookkeeping tasks like recording transactions, reconciling accounts, and reviewing financial reports.
  • Use digital tools and software to streamline bookkeeping tasks and reduce manual effort.
  • Keep financial documents organized and up-to-date using a filing system or digital tools.
  • Regularly monitor business’s financial health by reviewing financial reports and KPIs.
  • Seek professional help if needed to maintain accuracy and compliance of financial records.

Don’t let catch up bookkeeping hold your business back. Contact MyBooks Accounting today! We offer a streamlined process to catch up on your records and get your finances organized. Schedule your free consultation today and let our experts help you breathe a sigh of relief. 


It’s never too late! With the right approach, you can get your finances back on track.

You could face inaccurate financial records, missed tax deadlines, and even potential legal issues.

While possible, it’s not recommended. Up-to-date books ensure accurate tax filings and help you avoid potential penalties.

Absolutely! We’ll work with you to establish efficient bookkeeping processes to keep your finances organized going forward.

Don’t worry. We can work with what you have and guide you on how to reconstruct missing information when possible.

Yes, we provide remote bookkeeping services, making it convenient for businesses across Canada and the USA.

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